School in Mindanao bans ‘love affair’ between male and female students

Instead of trying to curb their students’ temporal desires, perhaps this school would be better off educating them about safe sex?

Golden Heritage, a polytechnic college in Cagayan de Oro City that clearly hasn’t heard of feminism, has erected a billboard warning female students that a “love affair” can “surely destroy” lives.

“Therefore this institution prohibit (sic) intimate relationship between a male & female students (sic),” it continues. The warning is also printed on the teachers’ uniforms.

The policy, according to an ABS-CBN report, was crafted by school president Tito Dichosa to prevent teenage pregnancy.

He wants to see the school’s female students finish their studies, as those who get pregnant during the school term tend to drop out, he said.

GHPC, a non-sectarian institution, expelled six students last year for violating the prohibition, added the report.

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