1001 things: Stuck in traffic? Tell us a joke

Illustration: Neil Agonoy

So it seems like you will be stuck in this intersection for a while. Rain is pouring like it’s the end of the world and the traffic lights seem to have taken a shut-eye. Cars, jeepneys, trucks and pedicabs have blocked the crossing, pointing in all directions. You’re fuming and stewing in your seat. Your mood is getting darker and darker. It’s hard to laugh when you are worried about being late for a wedding and you’re the groom’s mother, or missing the first act of a play you bought tickets for a long time ago. 

Pretend you’re sleeping
Bring and train a pet
Spend quality time with the kids

After all, it is said that we Filipinos have a great a capacity for humor in times of crisis. Now is one such time to cultivate this wonderful talent. Start with worn-out jokes so corny they make you laugh. They might elicit just a feeble ha-ha from your audience, but it’s a start. Then you can move on to exchanging bad-hair days with each other. Your experience might seem totally unfunny to you but it might be hysterical seen from another angle. Of course, that would probably mean they are really laughing at you, so have to be a good sport about it. Just think that you are doing good by distracting them with some comic relief.

One word of caution: Try to avoid jokes that have to do with religion or politics. Innocent digs at each other’s views or beliefs can escalate into heated arguments and debates, not much fun in a such a small, confined space.

Also, one must keep teasing each other to a minimum as these digs have a tendency to get meaner and meaner. Take pity on your friend who gets pissed off and wants to walk out but cannot. Instead, find a common absent enemy and pick on his fashion sense, his walk and his talk. I am sure there is a wealth of material to use and you will find out how creative and witty you really are.

The laughter will go on and on, and before you know it, you have reached your destination. But watch out that the jokes don’t get too inappropriate. We are all good people here. Besides, you just might have a Judas in your midst. If said enemy is your boss, you would all be out of a job by tomorrow.

How do you entertain yourself when you’re stuck in traffic? Tell us here at http://manila.coconuts.co/contribute or send an email to manila@coconuts.co.

Ilustration: Neil Agonoy

– Stuck in traffic? 6 ways to exercise your brain
– Stuck in traffic? 8 ways to spend quality time with the kids
– Stuck in traffic? Bring and train a pet
– Stuck in traffic? Sleep

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